In solidarity with GMG Union on strike

On March 1, GMG Union, which represents workers at Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker and The Root, announced that its members are on strike and requested that freelancers not contribute to the company’s publications for the time being.

In response, the Industrial Workers of the World Freelance Journalists Union expresses our full solidarity with GMG Union.

We have made a donation to the GMG Union’s fundraiser and encourage readers to do the same: Support Striking GMG Union Workers

We also endorse the request that all freelancers refrain from pitching stories to or filing drafts with GMG publications. To that end, IWW FJU members who provide evidence of having a story commissioned by a GMG publication, but resolve not to file it until the strike is over, can request $120 (eight hours of work at $15 an hour) of interim financial support from the IWW FJU Admin Committee: [email protected]

The IWW FJU wishes GMG Union a swift victory in its conflict with management. Until then, we hold fast to the IWW motto: An injury to one is an injury to all!

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